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  • While we appreciate the Minister’s assurances that Bill C-11 is not meant to regulate user generated content, unfortunately the text of the Bill does not achieve that intent. The inclusion of “professional” content on platforms like YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram will only disincentivize creators and emerging artists from being able…
  • Last year, the House of Commons passed legislation known as Bill C-10, which would have regulated content on user-generated platforms, like YouTube, TikTok, or Instagram, using outdated broadcasting rules developed decades ago for radio and TV. While C-10 was not signed into law prior to the election, the Government has…
  • My name is Morghan Fortier, and I am the CEO of Skyship Entertainment, an award-winning entertainment company owned and operated in Canada. As one of Canada’s top two YouTube creators, we are a proud example of how Canadian content can be successfully exported to the rest of the world. Our educational…