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Government Rejects Clause To Protect Digital Creators

March 8, 2023 – After the Senate adopted a helpful amendment in Bill C-11 to protect digital creators and user-generated content, the government has decided to once again disregard the concerns of thousands of digital creators across the country. Now, Canadian creators are taking a stand to urge MP’s to save the Senate amendment to section 4.2, and protect their online businesses.

“Since the Bill was tabled a year ago, thousands of digital creators have raised the alarm and shared their concerns with policymakers,” said Scott Benzie, Director of Digital First Canada. “It’s shocking that the Senate’s sober second thought was dismissed, and that the government continues to act as though digital creators are not legitimate artists and entrepreneurs. But the voices of creators and their communities will not be ignored. We aren’t going anywhere – and this government and legacy media are just going to have to get used to it.” 

Bill C-11 is the modernization of the Broadcasting Act, that’s currently waiting for a final vote in the House of Commons. After a comprehensive study, the Senate adopted an amendment to section 4.2 (2) of the Bill to more clearly exclude user-generated content and content from digital creators from regulation.

The amendment reflects what the Minister of Heritage has always said – that the government does not seek to regulate digital creators and their “cat videos”.

During the Committee and Senate review, creators testified, contacted policymakers, and shared their concern on social media. To-date, over 50,000 creators, Canadians and concerned global citizens have sent a letter to local MPs and Senators through the Digital First Canada website. For many creators, this was their first time engaging in public policy, and throughout the entire process, creators were met with hostility and gaslit. Today’s motion is a slap in the face to the creators who spoke up and participated in this process, and to the Senators who recognized these creators as the future of Canada’s digital economy. It’s never been more clear that this government is picking winners, and choosing legacy media over new, creative entrepreneurs. Digital creators are now calling on Members of Parliament to protect digital creators, save the Senate amendment to Section 4.2 (2) and #FixC11.

“Policymakers reached out to schedule a meeting, only to ignore my response and follow-ups,” said digital creator Gregor Reynolds. “Rejecting this amendment is another example of creator voices being wilfully ignored. Bill C-11 could impact how I make my money, and the democratization of digital entertainment as a whole. I appreciate the Senate’s work reviewing this, but it’s discouraging that the work of digital creators is still not being considered, or protected.”

“At Skyship, it’s a source of pride that our Canadian-made content is exported and viewed across the globe,” said Morghan Fortier, CEO of Skyship Entertainment, with 37 million subscribers on channel, Super Simple Songs. “But it’s pretty evident that the people who drafted this bill did not understand how it could impact digital creators across the country. It was incredible to see the Senate’s willingness to hear our concerns, and there’s a real opportunity for MP’s to push back against the rejected amendment and stand up for digital creators.”  

“I appreciate the intent of Bill C-11 in trying to help Canadian artists and creators,” said Oorbee Roy, with 179,000 followers on TikTok. “But the Bill as currently written, does not help digital creators. Rather, it hurts us, and it hurts all creators who aren’t the right fit or the right mould. If my video is suppressed because the CRTC decides that someone else’s content should be artificially pushed over mine, I lose my ability to get in front of my audience. That directly affects my bottom line. The simple clarifying language to the Bill could make a huge difference for thousands of creators like me.”

Digital creators who want to be heard can send a letter to their MP, and urge them to #standupforcreators, keep user-generated content out of Bill, and make sure that the government accepts the Senate amendment to Section 4.2 (2) of Bill C11. Canadian viewers and users of social platforms can also get involved by visiting and adding their voice to the conversation. 


  • This bill must be removed from our law it’s a complete invasion of privacy and is out wrong you should be ashamed for even thinking about invading peoples privacy

  • As a citizen of Canada we are slowly turning into a dictatorship. We used to be a free country and could say and express our beliefs, but that right it totally being taken away from us. As a user of social media I get most of my information and news on the internet, and for you, the government of Canada, taking away that right is honestly absurd. How can content creators make income if you are taking away their job. Not everyone in Canada is a strong left wing Liberal. And for you Justin Trudeau to just assume that is ridiculous. What happened to the country that people used to want to travel to? Canada is becoming a place where people do not want to live anymore, not just because of this but because of other reasons too. The increase in prices of our livelihoods, such as grocery’s, gas, and even living expenses now. This is all so ridiculous. You, Justin Trudeau are to be held responsible for the majority of the people of Canada who cannot afford to live anymore so they are asking for assisted suicide. Which should not even be happening. You are taking this country to the ground and us with it whether we like it or not, because with this bill we do not have a say.

  • I’m new to the digital space and I need this income to survive.

  • Protect Canadian creators! Period.

  • Dionne Friesen

    You guys are taking away literally all of our rights. If you guys are really Canadian, you will stop this. I’m at the point where I don’t wanna live in Canada anymore. First, you guys increased taxes and absolutely everything I can’t afford to live anymore. I work two jobs, and I still don’t have enough to pay for food and everything. Fix it Canada or you’re gonna fucking fall apart Faster than you could ever imagine

  • Revoke C-11.

  • Zach Ford

    Canadian government, please leave us alone.

  • Malachi Janzen

    If this reaches a person of the senate, please think carefully about how you’d feel if you were in the shoes of the people who’s lives and livelihoods you’re directly effecting, the people know what’s best for them and doing what’s right and fair for them is probably what they’re saying you should do right?? Please don’t turn Canada into the next America, thank you

  • Élodie Boucher

    Fix bill C-11

  • Melanie Mitton

    Stop bill C11! We need freedom of speech!

  • Hi

    Please make sure the government accepts the Senate amendment to Section 4.2 (2) of Bill C11.


  • Bryan Eagle

    I do not support bill C-11. It needs to be removed from the senate.

  • Robert Ridley

    Please stop this we are old enough to regulate are self . This is called communism!

  • Dereck Kendall

    This is an infringement on our rights of free speech and free press, no government has the right to tell me what I can or cannot watch or post to online social media. It goes against the right of all free people of this earth and cannot be allowed.

  • #FixBillC11

  • Cacia Dracup

    As a Canadian that uses online platforms I urge to you accept the ammendment to Section 4.2 of Bill C-11, the wording is much to vague otherwise and threatens the freedoms of what we can post.

  • Tianna Gerrior

    During the pandemic my workplace was effected and shut down as a result of the government deeming it unimportant. I’m a stylist, many of my clients aren’t coming to socialize but for hygienic reasons,not vanity but sanity.. making huge increases in mental health issues across Canada. This government can not dictate what’s important for all community members in our society or online. They just aren’t capable or knowledgeable enough to do so; it was proven during the pandemic.

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